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OpenDor is an emerging contemporary dance company founded by its artistic director & choreographer Adrien Ouaki.

The company aims to create powerful and evocative works that merge contemporary dance and physical theater combined with a strong aesthetic of staging.


By bringing together a diverse range of artists and perspectives, our mission is to create pieces that are emotionally resonant and deeply aligned with the vision of OpenDor.

Challenge and engage the audience to make them part of the movement. In a modern and unique way.


Collaborate. Research. Create. 

Creation - A Cloud Story 
Thêatre de Suresnes Jean Villar & La Fabrique de la Danse

The season is starting, and the company has just completed two weeks of residency. A Cloud Story is on its way to becoming a one-hour piece, thanks to our partners for making this possible.
We also extend a warm welcome to three new artists joining Opendor Company: Lina, Lola, and Antoine.

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SOBANOVA DANCE AWARDS #8 - Thêatre MPAA - A Cloud Story

Opendor Company participated in the 8th Sobanova Dance Awards and was honored to receive 2 prizes:
- Prix de La Fabrique De La Danse par Christine Bastin
- Prix coups de coeur du Jury de Mourad Merzouki
A big thank you to Sophie & Barbara.

A Cloud Story - Thêatre DOUZE - Carte blanche Jeremy A.

OpenDor was honored to be invited by Jeremy Alberge and Sobanova to perform A Cloud Story at Theatre Douze in Paris. An evening shared with Lamalo Dance Company, Alice Godfrey and Robinson Cassarino.

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A Cloud Story - Thêatre National de Chaillot - ODCV4

OpenDor held its first performance at the Théâtre National de Chaillot during the ODCV4 event. The company presented an excerpt from the ongoing creation A Cloud Story. A big thank you to Mehdi Kerkouche and EmkaDance Project for the invitation.


A Cloud Story - Creation (Work in progress)

In front of the unknown, our choices are the movements in the present that shape the imprint of our future.

"A Cloud Story" is a choreographic creation for two performers. An intimate duet that explores the space between all things during a specific event.

Director and choreographer: Adrien Ouaki

Performers: Julie Vivès & Valentin Durand

// Workshop and Research // From 6th to 10th of February 2023 //



During a week in the studio, Adrien Ouaki and a group of very talented dancers at the CCN de Creteil conducted research on a very specific theme for a future project. One of the main objective of their research was to bridge the gap between physical theater and dance to find a common ground between the two art forms.

This workshop was the first event for the company and provided a perfect environment for meeting new performers and understanding the artistic approach of OpenDor Company.


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